EI Traning will help you to:
be more effective in your work and personal life
better understanding what you are feeling and why
participate more consciously in what you feel and how you respond
better monitor and motivate your progress toward your short term and long term goals
Exploring our emotional intelligence not only makes up happier, but it helps us motivate ourselves, manage stress in our lives, and resolve conflict with others.
© Collaborative Growth, LLC 2018.
Many find it useful to work with an instrument that measures competencies in the critical areas supporting emotional intelligence. We work with the EQi 2.0® , EQ 360 & TESI® because of their strong scientific underpinnings and wide usability.
EQ-i 2.0
Self Assessment
The Emotional Quotient Inventory (EQ-i 2.0) is the world’s leading assessment tool used for assessing emotional and social intelligence and an excellent way to understand the emotional competencies of an individual. It is a ‘self-rater’ instrument, versus the multi-rater EQ 360.
The EQ-i 2.0 provides you with a picture of how you operate emotionally, your areas of strength and potential areas for development.
It's our belief, changing how we operate in our daily lives and relationships takes time and support. The best way to support this ongoing work is through Emotional Intelligence training.
EQ 360
Like the EQ-i 2.0®, the EQ 360 measures the same fifteen EQ competencies. It’s a self-report assessment combined with the perceptions of people around you.
For this reason, the EQ 360 is also known as a Multi-Rater Assessment.
When working in an organization, it’s important to be cognizant of the impact of one’s actions on colleagues.
The multi-rater report offers an in-depth analysis by combining your own perceptions of your EQ with the perceptions of others who know you well who are 360 degrees around you.
This report can be used for results specific to a workplace context, enabling career and organizational development. It identifies blind spots, strengths, and developmental opportunities in the workplace.
The TESI® allows all team members and the leaders to understand the levels of identification with the team, satisfaction, engagement, and perceived skills in areas such as communications and conflict resolution. The report offers unique insights and points ways for understanding your current strengths and weakness as a team and to strategically choose where to enhance your skills in the following
7 areas:
Team Identity
Emotional Awareness
Stress Tolerance
Conflict Resolution
Positive Mood